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Reset your oral hygiene routine this spring.

Spring into a Fresh Smile: 5 Dental Cleaning and Care Tips

Oral Hygiene Springtime Reset When it comes to Oklahoma weather, there’s one thing you can count on—seasons tend to change overnight. Despite the temperature playing mind games with us all, springtime has a way of sparking a need for renewal. Not only do we get that urge to clean out the flowerbeds, wash the windows,…
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Get a straighter smile with traditional braces.

The Road to a Straighter Smile: What to Expect With Traditional Braces

Crooked teeth can be frustrating. You may be unhappy with your smile. It’s harder to brush and floss. It could even impact your ability to get promoted or find a new job. After all, first impressions really do matter. All this can cause harm to your self-esteem. But it doesn’t have to be that way.…
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Dental nutrition comes in yummy options.

Snack Smart, Smile Bright: Family Friendly Dental Nutrition and 5 Fun Recipes to Try

Your teeth aren’t just there to make you look good, they’re vital for your overall health. An unhealthy mouth can impact your well-being. Poor oral health is associated with conditions, like diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, consuming too many sugary beverages and foods is linked to oral diseases. Dental nutrition means eating a healthy and…
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Keep your smile in line with a retainer.

Beautiful Smiles for a Lifetime: The Role of Retainers in Orthodontic Aftercare

Achieving a stunning smile after braces is a transformative experience. When the braces come off, unveiling the beautiful straight teeth beneath, the result is not just a physical transformation but a boost in confidence and self-esteem. This process marks the culmination of a journey towards a captivating and radiant smile that leaves a lasting impression.…
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Get your kids laughing with these dental jokes.

15 Dental Jokes for Kids

Laughter can be some of the best medicine. Did you know a joke a day can help keep the doctor away? Laughing is one of the best ways to help relieve stress, which can wreak havoc on your mind and body if you have no way to release it. When you are stressed, your body…
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Whole body benefits of dental implants.

The Mind-Body Link: How Dental Implants Help Restore Your Mental Wellness

If we told you that the health of your mouth directly affects how you feel (and vice versa), you might think we were pulling your leg—but it’s true! The mind-body connection is all about how our thoughts and emotions affect our oral health. It shows that mental well-being influences our habits, stress levels, and behaviors,…
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Get an early orthodontic evaluation for your kid.

Discover 5 Advantages of Early Orthodontic Evaluation for Kids

Straight From the Start Early orthodontic evaluations play a crucial role in maintaining the dental health of our children. These evaluations are more than just a quick look at the growing teeth. They’re a significant step towards ensuring our kids have a healthy, radiant smile as they grow. By identifying potential orthodontic issues early on,…
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Your emotional health could be linked to bruxism.

Grinding Away Stress: The Link Between Bruxism and Your Emotional Well-Being

The Truth About Teeth Grinding Bruxism, more commonly known as teeth grinding or clenching, is a physical response to various factors, most notably stress. If you’ve ever found yourself involuntarily gritting your teeth when under pressure, you’ve experienced firsthand the intricate connection between our emotional well-being and physical reactions. According to Cedars-Sinai, stress and anxiety…
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Gum disease affects your overall health.

Gum Disease and Your Overall Health: 3 Things You Need to Know

Your smile is more than just a set of pearly whites; it’s a window to your overall health. Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) paints a concerning picture of gum disease, known as periodontitis, in the U.S. According to the report, a startling 47.2% of adults aged 30 and older…
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Build better dental habits for the new year.

New Year, New Habits: Helpful Tips for Breaking Bad Dental Habits for Good

Every year, 38.5% of U.S. adults set New Year’s resolutions, with younger adults leading the charge in goal-setting. But here’s the twist: Only 9% of those resolutions are successfully achieved. Shockingly, 23% give up within the first week, and 43% abandon their goals by the end of January. This year, let’s focus on a resolution…
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Restore your smile with dental bridges.

Closing the Gap: 5 Ways Dental Bridges Can Transform Your Smile

Benefits of Dental Bridge Restorations Tooth loss is an all-too-common problem among adults, particularly as they age. But losing a tooth, or teeth, doesn’t have to spell the end of your radiant smile. Thanks to restorative dentistry, you’ve got plenty of solutions to get that pearly-white charm back. One long-time favorite solution is the classic…
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Cozy winter activities in Lawton.

5 Cozy Places To Visit and Activities To Do in Lawton This Winter

Warm up your winter. Bundle up, Lawton! It’s time to embrace the winter wonderland as our beloved city welcomes this chillier season. From exciting winter activities that’ll have you laughing all the way to cozy corners perfect for relaxing with hot cocoa, Lawton is a winter paradise despite our milder temperatures. And let’s not forget…
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