Baby’s First Tooth Chart: A Guide to Teeth Timing and Milestones

Things every parent wants to know about baby teeth.
It can be overwhelming just how swiftly a newborn grows into a toddler. Every day, there seems to be a new milestone, and if you blink your eyes, you might miss any one of them.
When it comes to the development of your baby’s teeth, you will want to stay on top of those milestones. A lifetime of great oral health begins at this age, and only you can make sure your child is getting the care they need when they need it.
Consulting a baby teeth chart and understanding answers to frequently asked questions such as “when do babies get teeth?” can help you keep up with those milestones and ensure your baby is meeting them.
When do babies get teeth?
If your baby still has that sweet, gummy smile, you may be wondering, when do babies’ teeth come in?
This eye-opening development starts at about 6-10 months on average with the bottom central incisors. For the top central incisors, the process takes place around 8-12 months. These estimates tend to hold true, but you might see those baby teeth popping up as early as three months and as late as a full year!
Baby Teeth Chart
If you’ve wondered when baby teeth come in, you are probably also curious as to when your baby will have a complete set of teeth after those initial teeth arrive.
You can expect your child’s 20 primary teeth to have fully arrived at about 25 to 33 months, but this process does not all happen overnight. Each type of tooth comes in at its own particular pace, and in a fairly orderly fashion, with front teeth coming in first and back teeth coming in last.
1. Central Incisors
(2 front center teeth, top and bottom)
- Bottom: 6-10 months
- Top: 8-12 months
2. Lateral Incisors
(2 teeth on either side of the 2 center teeth)
- Top: 9-13 months
- Bottom: 10-16 months
3. Canines
(2 teeth on either side of laterals)
- Top: 16-22 months
- Bottom: 17-23 months
4. First Molars
(next teeth on either side in order)
- Top 13-19 months
- Bottom: 14-18 months
5. Second Molars
(final baby teeth)
- Bottom: 23-31 months
- Top: 25-33 months
Your child should have a fully developed set of teeth before the time they turn three years of age. However, there are always exceptions to this rule, so there is no cause for alarm if they are not perfectly on schedule. Just make sure to keep visiting their pediatric dentist regularly to ensure healthy development.
What are the uses of the different types of teeth?
Each type of tooth serves a slightly different function. You may begin wondering what those functions are once you see them erupt from your baby’s gum line.
1. Incisors
The incisors are the four front teeth on the top and bottom rows. The center two are called central incisors, while the outside two are called lateral incisors. Their primary purpose is to bite into and chew food.
2. Canines
The four teeth that can be found on the outside of the incisors are known as canines. They are the teeth that come to a point. Functionally, their use is to tear food apart.
3. Premolars
Premolars, also known as bicuspids, are the teeth you find just outside the canines. They are flat and therefore better for chewing and grinding food rather than tearing it as canines do.
4. Primary Molars
The teeth behind the premolars are called primary molars and can sometimes be referred to as deciduous molars. These teeth are also used for chewing and grinding food.
What to Expect with a Teething Baby
As your baby’s teeth begin to come in, you can anticipate that they will be displaying one or more of the following symptoms:
- Disrupted sleep
- Swollen or tender gums
- Fussiness
- Crying
- Drooling
- Mild “fever” (not above 100.4 F)
- Rash around the mouth
- Diarrhea
- Loss of appetite
- Gum rubbing
- Ear pulling
- Cheek rubbing
- Gnawing
While teething can be fairly unpleasant for your little one, there are some things you can do to ease their discomfort and lift their spirits. A cold pacifier or refrigerated teething ring can help quite a bit, as can a chilled, wet washcloth.
When should I start brushing my baby’s teeth?
Before your baby’s teeth even come in, you can start caring for their oral health by cleaning their gums daily with a wet washcloth. Once the first teeth start to come in, you can begin gently brushing with an infant toothbrush twice a day. This can help other baby teeth to erupt.
When should my child see a kids’ dentist for the first time?
You can begin bringing your child in for regular dental visits by 12 months, or about six months after their first tooth has come in, whichever comes first.
Getting your child to the dentist as early as possible can help them feel comfortable with receiving dental care, and it can also help them become educated about oral hygiene, which will set them up for a lifetime of great oral health.
Pediatric Dentistry from Sheppard Family Dental Care
If you believe your child is ready to start seeing the dentist, Sheppard Family Dental Care is here to begin that journey with you. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.